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El Código de Buenas Prácticas Comerciales Europeo alcanza ya las 100 empresas

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El Código de Buenas Prácticas Comerciales Europeo, puesto en marcha en septiembre de 2013 por 7 organizaciones representativas a nivel de la Unión Europea entre las que se encuentra Eurocommerce, ha alcanzado la cifra de 100 empresas adheridas, las cuales representan a 764 compañías que operan a nivel nacional. En total son 56 industrias, 22 distribuidores, 18 mayoristas y 4 productores agrarios.

Today the “Supply Chain Initiative” reaches an important milestone, as it marks its 100th signatory company.

The “Supply Chain Initiative” was launched in September 2013 by 7 EU-level associations [1] with the aim to encourage better practices in commercial relations along the food supply chain. The 100 companies that have registered to date represent 764 operating companies operating at national level: 56 manufacturers, 22 retailers, 18 wholesale and 4 farming companies. Almost half of these are small or medium enterprises (47).

Roxane Feller and Else Groen, co-Chairs of the Governance Group of the Initiative, commented: “Today is an important day, not only for The Supply Chain Initiative, but also for the promotion of fair business practices as a basis for commercial dealings across the whole food supply chain. On registering, each one of these 100 companies has committed to the use of fair trading practices, to integrating principles of good practice into its day-to-day operations and to monitoring and ensuring their application.

This 100th registration marks an important step towards making a positive impact to the benefit of all players in the food supply chain. We are confident that many more companies will follow.”

[1] The 7 EU level associations involved in this Initiative represent the food and drink industry (FoodDrinkEurope), the branded goods manufacturers (AIM), the retail sector (the European Retail Round Table (ERRT), EuroCommerce, EuroCoop and Independent Retail Europe), and agricultural traders (CELCAA).